Deadpool 2
Throwing Deadpool, frankly, I had a priori ultra negative. I expected a basic game whose only ambition was to ride the attraction of the license. Well, you know what? Deadpool is a basic game whose only ambition is to ride the attraction of the license.
We have a soft beat them all with some phases of GST soft in ugly environments, forgettable music and duration of fair life. Everything is very boring. Is hammered buttons blow strong, weak shot to make combos on enemies affable.
Yet we impose these bad phases of play almost exclusively for its funny cutscenes that intersect. And in a sense, for a video game, it is extremely sad.
Deadpool 1
The game itself is the epitome of the average game, without vision, and yet the result is not so bad as that. Because it's Deadpool. Deadpool because it breaks all the time the fourth wall. Deadpool because he makes jokes all the time schoolboys. Because Deadpool speaks as if the player was in the game, because Deadpool yells with his own doubler on the phone, even with its own development studio, High Moon, often mentioned in the game
Perhaps the flat game phases are only purges, finally. Maybe we voluntarily inflict play a mean game to punish himself because we have laughed at jokes not very finaudes. I think inwardly, we say it must inflict at least it for having the audacity to laugh turned into a giant taco being Deadpool Cable to ask if he likes tacos.
Yes. I think in reality, Deadpool is an allegory of repentance. We sin, and then we will purge his soul practicing gameplay that is sorely lacking. And there is someone who is winning at all levels, this is your friend, folded laughing, sitting next to you, eating a slice of pizza, until the next cutscene, as you démenez to finish yet another room full of enemies and yet another phase approximate platform.
Do not take this game if you have a friend who, like you, will be receptive to the little subtle humor of Deadpool and only in the context of a pizza party. You will not play it for the gameplay, believe me. But the factor of this title lol burlesque happens anyway that we can find a small interest.
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